PAAM Medical Letter, Vol. 9(3), September 29, 2022
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Welcome to another edition of the PAAM Medical Letter! PAAM welcomes your participation and appreciates your support for all our endeavors, including for this medical letter.
Because it has been 2 & 1/2 years since the COVID pandemic, it seems like a good time to look at some aspects of the state of our knowledge and the expert opinion of many.
Please note: This Letter is for your thoughtful consideration and personal research and is not to be taken as something dogmatic to believe in, nor promote as something official from PAAM or the international anthroposophic medical movement.
Meditative Verses
Clarity in thinking,
Inwardness in feeling,
Collected composure in will:
If I strive for these
I can be hopeful
of finding my way
On life’s paths,
Before human hearts,
In the sphere of my duties.
For clarity
Arises from the soul’s light,
And inwardness
Sustains the spirit’s warmth.
Enhances living strength.
And all of this,
When sought with trust in God,
Leads me on human paths
To good and certain steps in life.
Rudolf Steiner, March 1921
The seed of Truth lives in Love,
Seek the root of love in the Truth:
Thus speaks your higher Self.
Fire’s glow transmutes
Wood into warming rays.
Wisdom’s resolving will
Transforms work
Into abiding strength.
Let your work be the shadow
Cast by your ‘I’
The Secret, Hidden and Invisible Philosophic Fire
Strive for the fire.
Seek the fire
So you will find the fire.
Light a fire
Put fire to fire
Cook fire in fire.
Throw body, soul and spirit into fire.
Thus you have dead and living fire
Out of which will come black, yellow, white and red fire.
Bear your children in fire.
Feed, give them to drink, nourish them in fire:
So they will live and die in fire,
And be fire and stay in fire.
Their silver and gold will become fire.
Heaven and earth will perish in fire
And become finally a fourfold philosophic fire.
Rudolf Steiner, given on March 14, 1908, during an esoteric lesson. It is his version of a verse in an old alchemical manuscript, Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 1785.
Calendar of the Soul
Verse #26
Nature! Your maternal being
bear within the core nature of my will;
And my will’s fiery might
Shall steel my spirit-striving,
That sense of self spring forth from it.
To bear myself in me.
[Michael engenders selfless self-awareness. Michael is the solemn star in the soul. Hisluminosity spreads calmness and strength throughout. Michael’s sternness pours strengthinto the deepest core of our being. He is the spiritual guide for our time, respects humanfreedom and calls us to beings of initiative; to will the good to help humanity.]
Verse #27 (Complementary verse)
To penetrate into my being’s depths:
Stirs a longing that is promised-filled,
That I in self-beholding find myself
As sun-gift of summer, which as seed
In warming autumn mood lives
As impulse for my soul’s forces.
Virtues of the Month
Virgo (August 21 – October 1): Courtesy becomes heartfelt tactfulness
Libra (September 21 – October 1): Contentment becomes composure/equanimity