JAM, Vol. 14(2), Summer 1997
Issue Date
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Table of contents
Biorhythms --
Rhythmic Phenomena of Potentized Substances 1: Presented by Rudolf Steiner / Matthias Girke p.1 Rhythmic Phenomena of Potentized Substances 2: A Potential System for Demonstrating the Efficacy of Substances in High Potency / Thomas C. Carmine p.3 Rhythmologic Studies of Cardiodoron® Given to Healthy Subjects / Hans-Christoph Kümmel, Henrik Bettermann p.11
Clinical Study --
An Anthroposophical Treatment Design for Inflammatory Rheumatic Conditions / L. Simon, T. Schietzel, C. Gärtner, HC. Kümmel, M. Schulte
Artistic Therapies --
Fundamentals of Music Therapy / Heiner Ruland p.41 Chiaroscuro in Painting Therapy / Elisa Métrailler p.44
Case Reports --
Chronic Progressive Disseminate Encephalomyelitis / Andreas Rivoir and Erika Gonsior p.54
Reports --
Rotation in the Sphere of Life, W. Held; Phosphorus Levels in Head and Shaft of Long Bones / A. Husemann p.58
Book Review --
Organic Physics, In Search ofa Science of Life / by Bertram von Zabern p.60
Calendar of Events -- p.62