Need for Rhythm Studies in Anthroposophic and Goethean Science
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By: Gunther Hildebrandt
Original title: Rhythmusforschung als Aufgabe einer anthroposophisch-goetheanistischen
Naturwissenschaft. Der Merkurstab 1997; 50: 329-36.
English by A.R. Meuss, FIL, MTA.
This translation is published with the kind permission of the journal Der Merkurstab.
JAM Vol. 15(2), Autumn 1998
In early 1996, at a conference held at the Goetheanum, a "group for rhythm studies" was proposed to consider the significance of rhythms in man, earth and cosmos. The background to this was a statement by Rudolf Steiner that true science would mean penetrating the rhythms in nature (GA 184,1918).
On the initiative of Prof. Gunther Hildebrandt of Marburg, Rolf Dorka of the Carl Gustav Carus Institute in Oschelbronn, Dr. Michaela Glöckler from the Medical Section and Georg Glöckler of the Section of Mathematics and Astronomy at the Goetheanum, chronobiologists from the fields of medicine, biology, and forestry and agriculture had a first study session at the Carus Institute in September 1996. Prof. Hildebrandt's introductory lecture is given below. …
Citation: Hildebrandt, G. (1998). Need for Rhythm Studies in Anthroposophic and Goethean Science (A. R. Meuss, Trans.). Journal of Anthroposophic Medicine, 15(2), 7–18.
Table of contents
Hildebrandt, G. (1998). Need for Rhythm Studies in Anthroposophic and Goethean Science (A. R. Meuss, Trans.). Journal of Anthroposophic Medicine, 15(2), 7–18.