Im Rhythmus des Lebens - 100 Jahre Heileurythmie [video]

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Title: In the rhythm of life - 100 years of eurythmy therapy
12,202 views Sep 18, 2021
What is eurythmy therapy? For whom is this therapy suitable and how does it work? "In the Rhythm of Life" engages these questions - with impressions and statements from doctors, therapists, patients, from new-borns to the elderly, as well as participants in a current study on fall prevention for elderly people with chronic diseases. Eurythmy movements have a meditative quality. They are profoundly related to regenerative organic activities and may be used both prophylactically and curatively. They can be helpful in cases of stress symptoms, anxiety and depression or burnout, address developmental delays and disturbances, or; in the case of e.g. tumour and rheumatic ailments, used to support resilience, of particular help where aggressive treatments are needed. Worldwide, 1500 eurythmy therapists are active in clinics, in schools and in private practice. This film was made on the occasion of 100 years of eurythmy therapy. The world premiere was on September 14, 2021 during the annual conference of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach (CH).
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In the rhythm of life - 100 years of eurythmy therapy. Video presentation of eurythmy therapy, spoken in German with English subtitles. Turn off YouTube “CC” closed caption if subtitles are covered by captions.