Pilot study on R. Steiner's medical history questions in relation to clinical syndromes
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By: Weckenmann, Kitschmann, Rauch, et al.
Original title: Pilotstudie ueber die Anamnesefragen R. Steiners und ihre Beziehung zu klinischen Bildem (II. Teil) Merkurstab 1995; 48:161-176.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14271/DMS-16694-DE
English by Christian von Amim, FIL.
This translation is published with the kind permission of the journal Der Merkurstab.
JAM Vol. 12(4), Winter 1995
Originally part 2 of a series: Manfred Weckenmann, M. Kitschmann, E. Rauch, K. Trageser, G. Moellenbruck and M. Wormsbecher Vol. 12, Nr. 4.
In this article we intend to report on the methodology of recording key symptoms in accordance with Rudolf Steiner's medical history questions and their relationship to one another.
Citation: Weckenmann, M., Kitschmann, M., Rauch, E., Traseger, G., Moellenbruck, G., & Wormsbecher, M. (1995). Pilot study on Steiner’s medical history question in relation to clinical syndromes (C. von Arnim, Trans.). Journal of Anthroposophic Medicine, 12(4), 4–23.
Table of contents
Weckenmann, M., Kitschmann, M., Rauch, E., Traseger, G., Moellenbruck, G., & Wormsbecher, M. (1995). Pilot study on Steiner’s medical history question in relation to clinical syndromes (C. von Arnim, Trans.). Journal of Anthroposophic Medicine, 12(4), 4–23.