References to Plant Constituents in the Works of Rudolf Steiner
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Original title: Angaben zu Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen bei Rudolf Steiner. Merkurstab 1994; 47:561- 80.
English by A. R. Meuss, FIL, MTA.
This translation is published with the kind permission of the journal Der Merkurstab.
JAM Vol. 12(2), Summer 1995
Introduction and aims
From the very beginning of anthroposophically-oriented science, biologists among Rudolf Steiner's pupils did work in plant morphology that resulted in a number of important publications. New ideas were described on plant development and aspects relating to the cultivation of food and medicinal plants elaborated. Attempts were also made to gain new insights into the actions and processing of medicinal plants.
It seems that this emphasis on morphology, with less attention paid to plant constituents, was due more to the special interests and capabilities of Rudolf Steiner's pupils than to anything he said. The list presented in this paper shows that Rudolf Steiner referred to constituents of about 35 plant species. Only a few of these were common substances such as sugars. Indeed, rare substances like nicotine and esculin were often mentioned by name and discussed. On many occasions Rudolf Steiner would explain the actions of a medicinal plant from the occurrence of specific substances.
In the authors' view, Steiner's references to constituents can be as fruitful for the development of anthroposophic medicine and pharmacy as his statements on plant morphology. This means that the references must be known and understood by modern scientists. The aim of the present paper is to present a list of those references and discuss the terms used by Rudolf Steiner in the hope that this will encourage others to work with Rudolf Steiner's statements on plant constituents.
Citation: Pedersen, P. A., Proebstl, A., & Meyer, U. (1995). References to Plant Constituents in the Works of Rudolf Steiner (A. R. Meuss, Trans.). 12(2), 18–35.
Table of contents
Pedersen, P. A., Proebstl, A., & Meyer, U. (1995). References to Plant Constituents in the Works of Rudolf Steiner (A. R. Meuss, Trans.). 12(2), 18–35.